Mon, Apr 16, 18 Track Wired
16-Apr-2021 By Travis Geopfert
Hurdle Training: Skip Drill Routines
This hurdle skip drill with a right leg lead teaches athletes to use both sides of the body. Eventually both the left and right leads should look the same in all hurdlers.The athlete should drive the right knee up over the top of the hurdle and pull the left knee into the armpit through the backside of the hurdle.
Click here for sprint hurdle training programs personalized for each individual athlete, developed and created by professional and collegiate coaches in track and field.
The hurdle skip over the top is a basic progression leading the athlete to bring the lead leg and trail leg together eventually in a seamless motion. The athlete should skip through the hurdles driving the lead knee, pulling the knee of the trail leg into the armpit through the backside of the hurdle.
Click here for sprint hurdle training programs personalized for each individual athlete, developed and created by professional and collegiate coaches in track and field.
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