Mon, Apr 16, 18 Track Wired
16-Apr-2021 By Travis Geopfert
Long Jump: Cone to Take-Off Drill
This is a long jump cone to take off drill, effectively trying to work on two things. First, keeping the knees pumping vertical in the last 4 steps of the long jump approach. Second, trying to teach the athletes to steer properly and put their take off foot in the middle of the board. The setup of this drill has three cones 3 feet apart, 3 cones 3 & a half feet apart, and 4 cones 4 feet apart. The towel is set approximately 20 feet after the last cone. This drill may condense in distance for all your beginning level athletes. The athlete starts with their left foot stepping over the cone and ends with the left foot on the toe board.
Click here for long jump, triple jump, high jump, and pole vault training plans built by elite level coaches in track and field, designed for athletes and coaches of all ages and skill levels.
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